• +254 726 222 002
  • +254 709 382 000/1
  • info@karenhospital.org


Dr. Dan K. Gikonyo

Chief Cardiologist

Director, Founder MBChB, MMED (Int.Med), 43 years of experience

Dr. Anthony Gikonyo

Interventional Cardiologist

MBChB, MRCP - 18 years of experience.

Dr. Premanand Ponoth

Chief Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgeon

MS, Mch, FIACS, FICS, FCCP, FICA – 25 plus years of experience.

Dr. Lance Gerry Mayabi

General Surgeon

MBChB, M.Med (Gen.Surg) – 8 years of experience.

Dr. Baseem Mikhail


MSc – cardiology - 12 years of working experience

Dr. Boniface Musila Nzioki


MBChB, M.MED (INT.MED) - 12 years working experience.

Dr. Stephen Omondi

Physician Cardiologist

MBChB, M.MED (INT.MED) – 10 years of working experience.

Dr. Hussein Khalif Mohammed

Medical Officer


Dr. Cynthia Sempele


MBChB, M.MED (RAD) - 9 years of experience.

Dr. Elfenesh Dribsa

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

MD, M.Med (Obs&Gyna) – Over 18 years of experience.

Dr. Eric Nyandwi

Senior Medical Officer - HOD NYERI BRANCH

MBChB – 13 years of experience.

Dr. Stanley Wahome

Senior Medical Officer

MBChB - 5 years of experience.

Dr. Shrikant Panchal

Cardiac Anaesthesiologist

MBBS, DA, DNB, PGDHS, FECMO, FICCC, FCA. - Over 15 years of working experience.

Dr. Caroline Shango Irungu


MBChB, M.MED (INT.MED) – 13 years of experience in the medical field.

Dr Erica Cimpaye

Physician - Cardiology fellow

MD, MMed (Int.med.), FCP (ECSA) - 9 years experince

Dr. Oluwatayo Opakunle

Medical Officer at The Karen Hospital

Medical Officer

DIRECTOR Dr. Dan Gikonyo

Dr. Dan K. Gikonyo

Position: Chief Cardiologist
Categories: Doctors

Director, Founder MBChB, MMED (Int.Med), 43 years of experience

Nairobi, Kenya.

  • Dr. Dan Gikonyo is one of the most coveted Cardiologists in Kenya. He is both an interventional and non-invasive adult cardiologist.
  • He has a thriving practice of over 43+ years.
  • He has been instrumental in mentoring and training of the majority of adult cardiologists in the country and in the region.
  • With over four decades of experience, Dr. Gikonyo has attended thousands of patients drawn from various parts of the world.
  • He is a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Adult Cardiology from the University of Minnesota, USA.
  • Dr. Gikonyo is a member of the American College of Cardiology and previously lectured at the Faculty of Medicine (University of Nairobi).
  • He is also a member of the Kenya Medical Association and Kenya Cardiac Society.
  • He has attended several international conferences and written numerous papers touching on cardiac and other topical health matters.
DIRECTOR Dr. Anthony Gikonyo

Dr. Anthony Gikonyo

Position: Interventional Cardiologist
Categories: Doctors

Interventional Cardiologist, The Karen Hospital, Nairobi.

Director, MBChB, MRCP – 18 years of experience.

  • Dr. Antony Gikonyo is an interventional and non-invasive adult cardiologist in Kenya.
  • He performs Surgical and Interventional, Coronary artery and aortic procedures and actively participates in continuous medical education through seminars and workshops at The Karen Hospital.
  • He graduated from Howard Medical School in 2001 and then became a member of the Royal College of Physicians UK in 2007. He completed his cardiology training in 2011, South Africa.
  • For the past four years, he has been in charge of the medical internship program at The Karen Hospital, Nairobi.
  • He is part of the Heart Team which performs regular coronary and artery bypass grafts at The Karen Hospital.
  • Dr. Antony Gikonyo has published a Retrospective Review of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery at The Karen Hospital, Kenya among other research papers.
Dr. Premanand Panoth

Dr. Premanand Ponoth

Position: Chief Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgeon
Categories: Doctors

Chief Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon – The Karen Hospital, Nairobi

MS, Mch, FIACS, FICS, FCCP, FICA – 25 plus years of experience.

  • Dr. Premanand has been a Cardiac surgeon for more than 25 years.
  • He has performed more than 15,000 surgeries since he started practicing.
  • At The Karen Hospital, he has been able to perform over 150 open heart operations since he joined the institution.
  • Premanand performs CABG surgeries on “beating hearts” which means, the heart is not stopped. In other similar operations, the heart is usually stopped and then a heart-lung machine takes over the functions of the heart.
  • He attended a Fellowship in heart and lung transplantation at the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland OR, USA.
  • Dr. Premanand holds a Bachelor of Medicines-Bachelor of Surgery, Nalanda Medical College, Patna Bihar, India.
  • He has served in reputed cardiothoracic centres in the USA, Australia and New Zealand. He has also done a fellowship in heart and lung transplantation at the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, United States.
  • He has attended numerous international conferences and written numerous articles on cardiac and other health topics.
Dr. Lance Gerry Mayabi

Dr. Lance Gerry Mayabi

Position: General Surgeon
Categories: Doctors

General Surgeon – The Karen Hospital, Nairobi.

MBChB, M.Med (Gen.Surg) – 8 years of experience.

  • Dr. Mayabi has performed over 2000 operations since he started practicing.
  • He holds a Masters of Medicine General Surgery from the Aga Khan University Hospital.
  • He is the COSECSA (College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa) Programme Director of TKH
Dr. Baseem Mikhail

Dr. Baseem Mikhail

Position: Cardiologist
Categories: Doctors

Cardiologist – The Karen Hospital, Nairobi.

MSc – cardiology – 12 years of working experience

  • Dr. Baseem runs Cardiac clinics at The Karen Hospital branches.
  • Dr. Baseem holds a Master’s of Cardiology.
  • Dr. Bassem has perfomed several cardiac procedures including Echos and stress tests.
Dr. Boniface Musila

Dr. Boniface Musila Nzioki

Position: Physician
Categories: Doctors

Physician – The Karen Hospital

MBChB, M.MED (INT.MED) – 12 years working experience.

  • Dr. Boniface Musila is a Physician at The Karen Hospital, Nairobi.
  • He holds a Masters of Medicine in Internal Medicine from the University of Nairobi.
  • At The Karen Hospital, he is in charge of the Accident and Emergency unit including the Wellness Department and Medical Outpatient Clinic.
Dr. Stephen Omondi

Dr. Stephen Omondi

Position: Physician Cardiologist
Categories: Doctors

Physician Cardiologist – The Karen Hospital.

MBChB, M.MED (INT.MED) – 10 years of working experience.

  • Dr. Omondi holds a Masters of Internal Medicine from The Aga Khan University, Nairobi and is currently undertaking a Masters Degree in Clinical Trial at the University of London.
  • At The Karen Hospital he has performed a number of procedures including Diagnostic coronary angiogram, 141 Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) cases, 14 Permanent pacemaker implantation cases, 14 Temporary pacemaker insertion cases, 13 EP studies, 8 AVNRT ablation cases, 8 Right heart cath cases, 5 Pacemaker programming cases, 50 2 D Trans-thoracic echocardiography cases, 1200 Trans-esophageal echocardiography cases, 20 Cardiac Holter monitor interpretation cases, 150 Exercise stress test interpretation, 1000 Tilt table interpretation, 50 Post coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) cases.
  • Publication – “Factors that influence advance directives completion amongst terminally ill patients at a tertiary hospital in Kenya” http://rdcu.be/oMF3 published in February 2017.
Dr. Hussein Khalif Mohammed

Dr. Hussein Khalif Mohammed

Position: Medical Officer
Categories: Doctors

Medical Officer – The Karen Hospital, Nairobi.


  • Dr. Khalif holds a bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Nairobi.
  • At The Karen Hospital, he works at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Accident and Emergency (A&E).
  • He has assisted the cardiac team in performing 53 open heart cases.
  • Publications include “Retrospective study of CABG in The Karen Hospital Kenya and Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Cardiac Surgery case report”.
  • Interested in pursuing cardiothoracic Surgery.
Dr. Cynthia Sempele

Dr. Cynthia Sempele

Position: Radiologist
Categories: Doctors

Radiologist at The Karen Hospital, Nairobi

MBChB, M.MED (RAD) – 9 years of experience.

  • Dr. Sempele holds a Masters of Medicine in Diagnostic Radiology from the University of Nairobi.
  • Publications under her name: “Knowledge, attitudes and practices of orthopedic residents regarding radiation use and its safety. (Dr. Maina J.W and Dr. Sempele C.Y) and Correlation between clinical and radiological findings in pediatric adenoid hypertrophy at the Kenyatta national hospital. (Dr. C.Y. Sempele, Dr. Kimani N.M, and Dr. Onyambu C.K)”
Dr. Elfenesh Dribsa

Dr. Elfenesh Dribsa

Position: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Categories: Doctors

Obstetrician and Gynaecologist – The Karen Hospital, Nairobi.

MD, M.Med (Obs&Gyna) – Over 18 years of experience.

  • Dr. Dribsa is a reputed doctor and delivers undivided attention to her patients.
  • She has a thriving experience of over 18 years.
  • She also runs obstetrician/gynaecology clinics at The Karen Hospital Nairobi CBD located on Cardinal Otunga Plaza first floor on Tuesdays
Image Placeholder

Dr. Eric Nyandwi

Position: Senior Medical Officer - HOD NYERI BRANCH
Categories: Doctors, HOD, Satellite Doctors

Senior Medical Officer In-charge of The Karen Hospital Nyeri.

MBChB – 13 years of experience.

  • Dr. Nyandwi holds a bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Burundi.
  • Coordinates cardiac clinics at the Nyeri Clinic performing the ECG and ECHOs and later sending referrals to the main hospital for clients requiring cath lab procedures and surgeries.
  • He has also undergone various training to boost his efficiency including; care of children affected by HIV/AIDS organized by ANNECA, maternal and surgical emergencies, and HIV harmonized curriculum and many others.
Dr. Stanley Wahome

Dr. Stanley Wahome

Position: Senior Medical Officer
Categories: Doctors, Satellite Doctors

Senior Medical Officer in charge of The Karen Hospital Nakuru Branch.

MBChB – 5 years of experience.

  • Dr. Wahome holds a bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Nairobi.
  • He has undergone training such as Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Training and Basic Life Support (BLS) Training to improve work efficiency.
Dr. Shrikant Panchal

Dr. Shrikant Panchal

Position: Cardiac Anaesthesiologist
Categories: Doctors
Cardiac Anaesthesiologist – The Karen Hospital, Nairobi.
Over 15 years of working experience.
  • Dr. Shrikant has performed more than 10,000 cardiothoracic and vascular surgeries.
  • He is a life member and fellow Indian Association of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anaesthesia. His first case of open-heart surgery was in 2004
  • Dr. Shrikant is a fellow in Cardiac Critical Care( FICCC) and a fellow in ECMO (FECMO)
  • Dr Shrikant has specialized in adult and Paediatric Cardiac Anaesthesia.
  • He is also an intensivist for adult and paediatric post-cardiac surgery cases.
  • Dr Shrikant has specialized in (TEE)Transesophageal Echocardiography since 10 years and doing it regularly in TKH
Dr. Sharon Irungu

Dr. Caroline Shango Irungu

Position: Physician
Categories: Doctors

Physician – The Karen Hospital, Nairobi.

MBChB, M.MED (INT.MED) – 13 years of experience in the medical field.

  • Dr. Irungu holds a Masters of Internal Medicine from the University of Nairobi.
  • At The Karen Hospital, she is engaged in the evaluation and management of medical patients both inpatient and Out-Patient.
  • She also attends to patients with varicose veins and who require varicose vein ablation.
Dr Erica Cimpaye

Dr Erica Cimpaye

Position: Physician - Cardiology fellow
Categories: Doctors

Dr Cimpaye holds a Master’s degree in internal medicine from the University of Nairobi.

At the Karen Hospital, she offers outpatient and inpatient medical care.

She works at the Nairobi heart clinic as a cardiology fellow.

She is involved in specialised cardiac care and cardiovascular procedures such as coronary angiogram, pacemaker implantation.

She has a special interest in venous diseases where she diagnoses and performs venous radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of varicose veins.


Dr. Oluwatayo Opakunle

Position: Medical Officer at The Karen Hospital
Categories: Doctors
  1. Dr. Oluwatayo Opakunle is a highly skilled cardiology fellow dedicated to providing exceptional medical care to his patients. With a passion for medicine and a commitment to excellence, he has garnered recognition for his expertise and compassionate approach to patient care.
    Dr. Opakunle earned his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the esteemed University of Nairobi.
    With several years of clinical experience under his belt, Dr. Opakunle has become known for his proficiency in performing echocardiograms and interpreting cardiac diagnostic tests. He has a keen interest in cardiology and has facilitated numerous community cardiac camps, providing essential screenings and referrals for further evaluation.
    Areas of Expertise:
    Cardiac diagnostic tests
    Community cardiac outreach programs
  2. Dr. Opakunle believes in delivering patient-centered care with a focus on compassion and empathy. He takes the time to listen to his patients’ concerns, thoroughly explains treatment options, and involves them in decision-making processes to ensure the best possible outcomes.