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Dr. Stephen Omondi

Dr. Stephen Omondi

Position: Physician Cardiologist
Categories: Doctors

Physician Cardiologist – The Karen Hospital.

MBChB, M.MED (INT.MED) – 10 years of working experience.

  • Dr. Omondi holds a Masters of Internal Medicine from The Aga Khan University, Nairobi and is currently undertaking a Masters Degree in Clinical Trial at the University of London.
  • At The Karen Hospital he has performed a number of procedures including Diagnostic coronary angiogram, 141 Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) cases, 14 Permanent pacemaker implantation cases, 14 Temporary pacemaker insertion cases, 13 EP studies, 8 AVNRT ablation cases, 8 Right heart cath cases, 5 Pacemaker programming cases, 50 2 D Trans-thoracic echocardiography cases, 1200 Trans-esophageal echocardiography cases, 20 Cardiac Holter monitor interpretation cases, 150 Exercise stress test interpretation, 1000 Tilt table interpretation, 50 Post coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) cases.
  • Publication – “Factors that influence advance directives completion amongst terminally ill patients at a tertiary hospital in Kenya” http://rdcu.be/oMF3 published in February 2017.